Beetroot is a super food for athletes

It was first cultivated by the Romans, and in the 19th century arrived to have great commercial value. Today's top producers of beetroot are considered to be the united states, Russia, France, Poland and Germany, while it is included in many classical recipes from Central and Eastern Europe, with ενδεικτικότερη the famous soup borscht.


H great nutritional value comes from the high content of iron and vitamins A and C (especially the green parts), while it is an excellent source of folic acid, fibre, manganese and potassium. It is also one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid important for the health of the intestines.

Folic acid helps the normal hematopoiesis, reduces fatigue, and improves athletic performance.

The fibers increase the antioxidant enzymes in the body, and the number of white blood cells that are responsible for the detection and neutralization of atypical cells.

Potassium helps the normal functioning of muscles, thus helping those who have athletic activity, while at the same time it contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.

The manganese helps in the normal functioning of metabolic processes related to energy production, while at the same time protects the cells from the οδειδωτικό stress. 

With 100 grams of beetroot to give 45% of the Daily Intake Reference manganese, and, respectively, 25.5% in potassium, beetroot easily could be called a υπετροφή for athletes. 

Besides, it became popular when Olympians stated that it was the secret of their success.


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